Best After School Activities for American Kids Aged 8-14

The thought of finishing a day at school, getting home, and sitting in front of the television with a snack appeals to all. We’re very aware. But what if you swapped out the television for an hour or two of creative fun?! 

Imagine the difference. Your child is likely to feel healthier and more creative (National Association For Gifted Children, 2017). They’d be socializing, exploring new interests, and keeping more active, which contribute to their development. 

Aneta Art Classes offer your children after-school activities throughout the year. Keep their minds busy and their hands more so. We invite you to Aneta Art Classes. You never know; you might just find your hidden talent! 

After school activities for your children 

American kids have so much to offer the world, but at times, video games and television can get in the way of their potential. 

Did you know that psychologists have agreed that after-school activities can help your children with: Source: (Kelly, n.d.) 

  1. Finding a sense of belonging
  2. Improve their social skills
  3. Academic support
  4. Make learning more fun
  5. Provide safety and supervision 

So, what have we got in store this year? Read on and get excited! 

Drawing Classes For kids

Kids love to draw. That’s simply a fact. A guided course like the ones we offer gives children a chance to hone in on their skills for them to properly develop. You never know, you might be the parents of the next Superhero creator! 

Comics Drawing

Together, we’ll explore a range of Comic Drawing techniques to help your child create their comic book of dreams! There’ll be a change of project each month, so sign up your little one and let their creative minds run loose. All materials are included in this course.

Architecture and Interior Design Classes for Children

It’s inspiring how inventive and imaginative young ones can be. This architect and interior design masterclass give your child the opportunity to thrive creatively. 

Young Architects

Has your little one got their own idea for how their bedroom should look? Sign them up for this course. A masterclass for young minds, if you will. This course is split up over three semesters, where each period will focus on a brand-new project. Your little one will have the reigns on what they design and create. The sky’s the limit (unless they want to live in a spaceship, that’s possible too)!

COVID Friendly Options

Here at Aneta Art Classes, we’re very aware the COVID-19 pandemic is still present. Though we’re keeping optimistic for the future, for now, we want to take all measures possible to ensure the safety of you and your children. Most of our after-school classes are available to take online! So, your child doesn’t have to miss out on writing their dream comic book. They can do it from the comfort of their own home (we’ll even send you all the materials you need). 

Every child in America deserves to benefit from the arts. We’re doing our best to ensure access to as many as possible.

Covid Friendly Restrictions are also applied for our in-person classes. We keep all Cook County prescriptions. Wearing a mask is mandatory for everyone, and finally, we are equipped with a commercial-sized purifier in all our classrooms and UV lamps. 

Being part of Harper College InZone 

2022 is going to be our year. We’ve worked hard to make more classes available to your family. So, what’s in store this year?

Our job as part of Harper College InZone is to adapt college-level classes for kids! This is a great opportunity for your child to try college-like classes at an early age. These types of classes are referred to as “programs for gifted” and are available only for students who, in high school, are labeled as “gifted”. Here at Aneta Art Classes, we offer our advanced classes for everyone. We believe that their gift has different directions and forms that are rarely if ever, counted in school performance.

Our classes are adapted to aid the development of a child’s fine motor skills. Take a look at two of our classes below! 

Sewing and Fashion Design

Famous fashion designer, come and sow the seeds to your future career in the fashion world. There’s no wrong idea. Choose how to express yourself in any way, shape, or form.

Young Architects After School For Kids

Come and design the home of your dreams, kids! The more exotic, the better. We’ll teach you how to turn geometric shapes into a show home fit for Royalty.


Here at AnetaArtClasses, we do more than aim to please. Your children mean the world to us, and we want to help them express themselves through the arts and unwind after a busy day at school. 


National Association For Gifted Children, 2017. Developing creative thinking skills through art.Â